Welcome to the official website of the Mitchelburne Club of the Apprentice Boys of Derry.
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admin |
December 30th, 2016 in
Branch Clubs |
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Due to the popularity of social media in recent years this website will no longer host new content, but remain as an online archive.
I would encourage visitors who have a Facebook account to ‘LIKE’ our page to be kept up-to-date with the activities of the Club throughout the year.

Those that do not have a Facebook account, can still contact the Club using the ‘Contact Us‘ link on this website.
Posted by
admin |
October 28th, 2014 in
Parent Club |
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On Monday 27th December 2014 at the monthly meeting of the Mitchelburne Parent Club the Worthy President Bro Kenny Kincaid (centre) presented a cheque for £1,500 to representatives of the Apprentice Boys Benevolent Fund.
The money was raised at various events throughout the year organised by the Mitchelburne Parent Club to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the Formation of the Apprentice Boys Association by Col John Mitchelburne. Some of the events included Bro Connor McKnight’s participation in the 2014 Walled City Marathon and the Parent Club’s challenge to climb to the peak of Sawel Mountain.
The cheque presentation is the culmination to the year of festivities organised by the Mitchelburne Parent Club to commemorate the Tercentenary of the founding of the Association.

Posted by
admin |
August 2nd, 2014 in
Parent Club |
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On Saturday morning, 2nd August 2014 members from the Mitchlburne Club including the General Secretary Bro William Moore laid crimson floral wreaths at the graves of eight past Governors of the Apprentice Boys Association:
S. Craig
S. Sheppard
W. Abernethy
D. Holland
S. Heatley
J. McClements
M. McKay
J. Alexander
The Mitchelburne club would like to pass on our thanks to the families of the late Worthy Governors.

Posted by
admin |
June 29th, 2014 in
Parent Club |
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As part of the 300th Anniversary celebrations of the Formation of the Apprentice Boys Association by Col John Mitchelburne the Mitchelburne Club decided to participate in fundraising challenges in the month June in aid of the Apprentice Boys Benevolent Fund.
1.Bro Connor McKnight completed the Walled City Marathon on Sunday 1st June 2014 in a time of 3 hrs 42 mins.

2. Mitchelburne Club members completed a climb to the peak of Sawel Mountain, on the County Londonderry/Tyrone border, on Saturday 28th June 2014.

Posted by
admin |
April 14th, 2014 in
Parent Club |
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Tonight, in the Guildhall, Londonderry the Mitchelburne Parent Club launched their plans to celebrate the Tercentenary of the Formation of the Apprentice Boys Association.
Worthy President Bro Kenny outlined the events that the Club will be holding throughout the year. The first event will be a Banquet in the Guildhall on Saturday 10th May, a full list of events can be found on this website.
The Dean of Derry, the Very Reverend William Morton dedicated the new Mitchelburne book, badge and tie. The new booklet can be purchased by contacting any Parent Club member or via this website (contact us page) at a cost of £5 per booklet.
Special thanks goes to the Mayor of Londonderry Councillor Martin Reilly, Deputy Mayor Alderman Gary Middleton, the Churchill Flute Band, Bro David Hoey, the Dean of Derry the Very Rev William Morton and Governor of the Apprentice Boys Association Wor Bro Jim Brownlee.

Posted by
admin |
April 5th, 2014 in
Branch Clubs,
Parent Club |
1 Comment
This post will be updated regularly as more details are confirmed.
April (12th)
Launch of the 300th Anniversary Booklet, New Club Tie and Badge in the Guildhall. Commences at 7.00pm, various speakers confirmed. Refreshments will be served.
May (10th)
Anniversary Banquet in the Guildhall.
6.30pm – 7.45pm Drinks Reception in the Foyer. Photos will be taken at the Siege Heroes Window upon request.
8.00pm Dinner will be served in the Upper Hall.
Entertainment and bar service will be available until 1.30am.
Formal dress requested.
June (28th)
The Club will host a Charity event with proceeds going to the Apprentice Boys Benevolent Fund.
July (26th & 27th)
Mitchelburne Cultural Evening & Tea Dance
Will be held in Newbuildings Community Centre. Various speakers will be in attendance. To promote the Apprentice Boys Association and raise funds for the Apprentice Boys Benevolent Fund.
August (1st)
Past Governors Grave Visitations
A visitation will be made to the graves of past Governors buried within the city by The Govenor, Parent Club Presidents and members from General Committee. Floral tributes will be placed on the graves of all Past Govenors.
Twelfth Celebrations (9th)
Col Mitchelburne in period costume will head the main parade together with 13 Apprentices made up from all the Parent Clubs.
September (20th)
Mitchelburne Day. Parade from the Waterside to St Columbs Cathedral for service at 12.30pm, followed by a tree planting behind the Apprentice Boys mound to commemorate the 300 years formation. The parade will leave the side gate of the the Cathedral grounds onto the Walls and parade around to the Memorial Hall. Parade will disperse in Society Street and move to the Masonic Hall for initiations tea and a social evening.
September (21st)
Visitation to the graves of Col Mitchelburne and Col Murray. Wreath laying and short service will take place.
Posted by
admin |
January 12th, 2014 in
Branch Clubs,
Parent Club |
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The President, Officers and Members of the Mitchelburne Parent Club would like to pass on our condolences to the Shepherd family on the sad passing of Bro Sammy Sheppard. Bro Sheppard will be sadly missed not only by his family and friends, but by members of the Apprentice Boys Association where he served with distinction as Governor from 1986-1991.

Posted by
admin |
December 10th, 2013 in
Branch Clubs,
Parent Club |
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If any Parent or Branch Club members have any photos taken in Londonderry on Saturday 7th December 2013 please upload them to our Facebook site and they will be added here in due course.

Some Mitchelburne Parent Club Officers with Officers and Members from the Barrhead Branch Club assembling at the Waterside Railway Station before the morning parade in Londonderry.
Posted by
admin |
August 16th, 2013 in
Branch Clubs,
Parent Club |
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Next year, 2014 will be the 300th Anniversary of the formation of the first Apprentice Boys of Derry Club. The first Club was formed by Col John Mitchelburne on 1st August 1714. The Mitchelburne Parent Club have produced a limited edition badge to celebrate this milestone. Only 300 badges have been produced, all individually numbered.
Posted by
admin |
July 19th, 2012 in
Branch Clubs,
Parent Club |
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The Mitchelburne Club are pleased to announce the formation of three new Branch Clubs in 2012. They are Kesh, Co Fermanagh, Sandy Row, South Belfast and Barrhead, Scotland.
The Parent Club look forward to seeing representatives from the three new Branch Clubs at the upcoming Relief of Derry celebrations in Londonderry on Saturday 11th August 2012 and Mitchelburne Day which will be held on Saturday 15th September 2012.